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Colorado Small Acreage Management - Improving land stewardship by helping landowners understand and manage their property resources (soil, water, animals, plants, and air).

Recorded Webinars   arrow

Select from a variety of topics

Animal Emergency Preparedness
Biochar Production Potential
Firewise Landscaping: Defensible space is not a moonscape!
Firewise Landscaping: Fire Resistant Plants
Forests: Proper Tree Care Practices for Small Acreage Landowners
Fruit: Apples for Colorado Below 7000′
Fruit: Blueberries for Colorado Gardens
Fruit: Colorado Native Fruits
Fruit: Importance of Rootstock Selection when Growing Fruit Trees
Fruit: Raspberries for Colorado Below 7000′
Gardening: Bio-Intensive Growing for the Mountains
Gardening: High Tunnel Specialty Crop Production in Colorado
Grass Workshop – Pasture Revegetation
Grass Workshop – Grass growth and identification
Graywater: Beneficial Use of Graywater in Colorado
Livestock: Alpacas & Llamas: The Sustainable Livestock
Livestock: Copper and Nutritional Considerations of Handspinning Sheep
Livestock: Equine Biosecurity: What can you do?
Livestock: Fundamentals of Small Acreage Swine Production
Livestock: Non-Structural Carbohydrates in Horses and the Role of Forages
Livestock: Nutrition for Small Acreages
Livestock: Poisonous Plants of Colorado
Livestock: Poisonous Plants and Horses
Livestock: Raising Sheep and Goats
Livestock: Small Scale Cattle Production – Things to Consider
NRCS USDA Asistencia para agricultores urbanos
Pasture management – Where to start?
Pasture: Common Forage Grasses
Pasture: Introduction to Pasture Stewardship
Pasture: Management on Small Acreages
Pasture: Managing Pastures Before, During and After Drought
Pasture: Native Plants – Saving You Time and Money!
Pasture: Renovating and Reseeding
Planning for a Sustainable Homestead
Pollinator Habitat
Poultry: Backyard Chickens
Poultry: Considerations for Raising Chickens on Your Property
Residential Rainwater Harvesting in Colorado
Resource conservation workshop/webinar series: Managing crops for healthier soils – cover crops and crop rotations
Resource conservation workshop/webinar series: Managing soils for healthier soils – Residue and tillage management
Resource conservation workshop/webinar series: Cultural resources of Colorado
Soil Moisture Monitoring Techniques
Water: 101 for Colorado Landowners
Water Etiquette in Colorado During a Drought Year
Water Wise Landscapes in CO
Weeds: Herbicide Carry Over and Fall Garden Tips
Weeds: Integrated Weed Management
Weeds: Understanding Weeds
Wildlife: Damage Prevention & Control